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How to give your truck and bus tyres several new lives.
What is retreading?
Retreading means replacing a tyre's worn tread with a new tread. It is perfect for fleets that want to cut their operating costs and environmental footprint.
MICHELIN is a pioneer: it has been retreading tyres for nearly a century and is always developing its innovative technology. MICHELIN casings in various ranges are designed to be retreaded several times. With professional management aimed at meeting your business needs, MICHELIN can help you reduce your environmental footprint and maximise your profitability without compromising safety.
A detailed inspection for premium retreading.

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The RECAMIC cold retread process boasts the same performance levels (safety, robustness, efficiency, mileage) as new MICHELIN tyres.

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Camions blancs alignés sur un parking
Save money, be a sustainable transport player and enjoy the benefits of flexible use.
To add more value to your business over the long run
• A retreaded tyre costs 40% less than an equivalent new tyre.
• Get up to twice as many miles out of your tyres: a tyre can potentially be retreaded several times, for even more mileage potential and to make your tyres last longer.
• Adapt your tread to your needs and uses: up to 350 combinations of casings and tread are available!
Retreading saves natural resources, so it helps to protect the environment
• Reduction of CO2 emissions: Retreading 100 tyres saves 5 tonnes of materials and means more than 6 tonnes of CO2 are not released into the atmosphere.
• Less material consumed: 1 retreading = 50 kilos of raw materials saved. On average, just 20 kilos of materials are added to a casing, a 70% saving compared to a newly manufactured tyre!
• Less waste: around 300 kilos less for a three-axle trailer.
• Retreading 6 tyres for 3 axles means 6 fewer tyres to be recycled!

Picto retreading white paper Help and Advice
Competitiveness, safety and environmental protection are key issues for transport industry professionals. That is why they welcome any solution that drives the performance of their business and helps them control operating costs.
In this respect, tyre management plays an essential role. Everything you ever wanted to know about life extension solutions for your truck tyres can be found here: happy reading, safe driving, and long live your tyres!
Find out more: REGROOVING
Retreading is not the only solution that can prolong the life of your MICHELIN truck tyres. Find out how regrooving can give them new tread patterns!

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Un pneu en phase de recreusage en usine
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